- 作者: 杨思影
- 来源: 投稿
- 2024-07-30
查询 2024 年新年吉日的步骤:
1. 确定新年日期:
2024 年农历新年:2 月 10 日(星期六)
2. 查询万年历或黄历:
3. 查找适合的吉日:
2024 年新年适合的吉日包括:
2 月 10 日(正月初一):新年第一天,百无禁忌。
2 月 11 日(正月初二):回娘家,走亲访友。
2 月 12 日(正月初三):赤口日,不宜拜年。
2 月 14 日(正月初五):破五,迎财神。
2 月 16 日(正月初七):人日,庆祝人类诞生。
4. 考虑个人因素:
5. 避开凶日:
2024 年新年期间的凶日包括:
2 月 13 日(正月初四):羊日,不宜出行。
2 月 15 日(正月初六):黑道日,不宜嫁娶。
[Image of a fireworks display over a city skyline with the text "Happy New Year 2024" in the foreground]
[Image of a golden clock with the numbers "2024" on the face, surrounded by confetti and streamers]
[Image of a group of people celebrating with champagne glasses and sparklers, with the text "Cheers to 2024!" in the foreground]
[Image of a cityscape with fireworks exploding in the sky, with the text "Welcome to 2024" in the foreground]
[Image of a snowcovered landscape with a snowman wearing a top hat and scarf, with the text "Happy New Year 2024" in the foreground]
[Image of a beach scene with palm trees and a sunset, with the text "Happy New Year 2024" in the foreground]
[Image of a group of children playing with sparklers, with the text "Happy New Year 2024" in the foreground]
[Image of a family gathered around a table for a New Year's Eve dinner, with the text "Happy New Year 2024" in the foreground]
[Image of a couple kissing under a mistletoe, with the text "Happy New Year 2024" in the foreground]
[Image of a group of friends dancing and celebrating, with the text "Happy New Year 2024" in the foreground]